V. |
Why Now? One of the reasons it has taken me so long to get to the point of writing this manuscript is that, first of all, up until the last couple of years, people thought you were “off-the-beam” a little if you said you had a life after death (or, as I call it…a “life-after-life” experience) experience. I’m sure that there will be people that have known me over the years who will still think these things. But, sometimes there are things that you just know you have to do, even though you don’t know exactly why. I think that describes my situation best. It’s very hard for most of us to express or describe our inner-most thoughts and ideas to our families or close friends. One of the hardest things for anyone to do is to “bare their soul” and to “go on record” as to what they truly believe in. Because you know, that if what you say is not popular, you are going to be shunned by many and your so-called friends…and others, are not exactly going to be beating down the doors to bask in your “lime-light.” This has been one of the hardest things that I’ve had to do in my life. It’s even harder than standing in a field, knee-deep in mud…trying to dig a 200 yard long furrow with a shovel to let the water drain so the field crop you’ve spent so much time and money on, won’t rot and be lost. But, I’m reminded of a passage in Acts – chapter 18 / verses 9 & 10, where the Apostle Paul has been trying to tell the people in different towns about Jesus and God, and he has been met with ridicule and a large portion of unbelief. He knows that he’s not reaching everyone with the message and he’s feeling a little disheartened. But, as the Lord comes to him, this time in a vision, and says: “Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I am with you and no man will attack you in order to harm you...for I have many people in this city.” And again, in John – chapter 3, verse 16; “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Anyone who has children or someone they truly love, knows how much of a sacrifice it would be to voluntarily allow their child or loved one to be harassed, embarrassed, shunned, demeaned, physically tortured and then killed by the same people they are trying to help. I know that I could never let that happen…but if God could do all that and more…so that I might have an eternity with Him, then I guess it’s not too much for me to stand up and declare my allegiance to Him. I remember a few years ago, (NOTE: actually in about 1978) while my grandmother was still alive, I had stopped in to visit her. It was before my dad died and I was still teaching and then coming out to the farm after school to do the farm-work. I tried to get my work done but also find time to visit my folks and my grandmother. Unfortunately, there was never enough time. My grandfather, Pipi, had died 6 or 7 years earlier but my grandmother, Mimi, continued to live on the farm by herself. At first, when Pip was gone, people would stop by to visit with Mim...every day or two. Other times, they would call on the phone. But, as the years went by, the calls and callers became less frequent. Mim would still get up early each morning, get dressed for the day, have breakfast and do whatever chores that needed to be done around the house. Then she would pass the time, sewing or cooking or whatever…..but she was always dressed and ready to go...if someone would happen to drop by. (kind of like us being prepared for Jesus to come, eh?) Whenever I would have a chance to stop in and visit, I would. Although I never seemed to have the time that I wanted to...I did the best I could. It was on one of these visits that I noticed that Mim’s voice was weak and cracked somewhat as she spoke. She wasn’t feeling ill, it was just that being alone, she wasn’t using her voice all the time and keeping it limbered up. I remember saying that maybe she should talk to herself to exercise the vocal cords. I told her that I talked to myself all the time. (I still do) Without any pause whatsoever, she said she would never do that, because someone might come along and see her through the window…talking to herself and have her committed to an institution. Mim said that in a kind of light-hearted way, but there was no mistake that she meant exactly what she said. I realized later that she was concerned that people would not understand, and thinking she was not stable...would take her away from her home. I understood her feelings and that was one of the things that kept me from going around telling people about my “life-after-life” experience….until now. Why talk about it now? Because, I believe the world has been prepared to receive these accounts of experiences, mine and others, at this time. The world is on a timetable, known only to God and everything happens for a reason and at a particular time. I could never have understood, when I was younger, the types of things I understand now. Life is an educational process that begins at birth, takes a deep breath at physical death….and then really takes off !!! A lot of people will remember an advertisement, by a wine company (a few years ago) that had a catchy little phrase at the end: “we will sell no wine…before it’s time”. The inference was that, even though the vintners knew they had a product already in barrels that could be sold to make money, they wouldn’t do so because the time wasn’t right. Maybe the wine had to age just a little more or maybe it was a new type of wine and the vintners wanted to prepare the buyers for this new vintage. Whatever the case, they knew that there was a certain, specific time for the wine to be sold and everything had to be in order first. All ideas come about at a specific time. First, the ideas…then the technology to implement the idea…then more ideas…more technology..and so on. It’s like building an upside-down pyramid. |